Sometimes when lawyers are thinking about getting control of their money, they focus on the things they don’t like about the process and what they don’t want to do.

It’s an un-useful exercise that hinders some from even getting started.

In this episode, let’s talk about why focusing on what you don’t like or don’t want to do keeps you from achieving your goals and a better place to focus your attention.


Topics Discussed

  • what happens when you focus on what you don’t like and don’t want to do
  • why whether you like or want to do the thing is irrelevant
  • a better place to focus your attention than on what you don’t like or don’t want to do


Listen to the Episode


Resources mentioned


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If you’re ready to learn the mindset and strategies to master your money, let’s schedule a call.


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Lightly Edited Transcript

Hey friend, welcome back to the show. I hope you’re doing well and having an amazing day so far. Today we’re talking about a sentiment that comes up. Sometimes when I first talk with lawyers who are looking to change their money management habits. It’s something in the realm of, I don’t like x, or I don’t want to y, for example, I don’t like to think about money or I don’t like to plan my spending, or I don’t want to track my spending, and I get it. There may be parts of managing money that aren’t your favorite or that you’d rather not do. But you don’t have to like it or want to do it to do it. There are lots of things that you would like that you don’t like or want to do, like waking up to alarm clock and sending traffic to work. I know that’s changed for some people. But most of us can relate to that. Do you like going to the doctor or the dentist? Do you like taking out the garbage? Probably not. But you still do those things right? When you tell yourself I don’t like this or I don’t want to do that. It immediately causes this resistance to it puts you at odds with it. And when you’re focusing on not liking or not wanting to do this thing, how complex it is all that how motivated you going to be to do it. If you’ve got something tell yourself I don’t like or I don’t like think about my money, or I don’t like hanging out my spending time or what are you gonna do when it comes time to do those things? You’re probably not with him. You are to find other things to do everything else, I’m missing something important. We’re feeling like ultimately, you’re not gonna achieve the goal that you have or make the progress that you want to make. When you focus on not liking something or not wanting to do that thing. You’re setting yourself up to fail. You don’t have to do that. Right. It’s 100% choice. You can choose to focus on what you don’t like what you don’t want to do. Or you can choose focus instead on a goal that you do like and that you do want. Whether you like or want to do the thing is, that’s the wrong question. The real question is do you like the ultimate outcome that this thing will lead to? Do you want the result that you ultimately achieved by doing it? Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve the goal? So it’s not telling itself how bad the thing is how you really don’t want it with how you don’t like it, right? Like don’t do that to yourself. And don’t use not liking or not wanting to do something as an excuse to stay stagnant or not go after what you want. You may not like or want to think about your money or your spending or your budget, but you also don’t like the current finances. As much as you may not like or want to do those things I’m sure you also don’t want to be broke. You don’t want to keep feeling stressed, not knowing what going on with the money, not being able to do the job you can afford to you don’t want to have nothing to show for all the money you make. Maybe you don’t like or want to do the steps to get there. But do you like the end result? The one where you know exactly what’s going on with the money. You feel completely confident the finances, you have the flexibility to make choices for your life, right focus on that information, more than focus on the not liking or not wanting to do the thing. I promise that if you do that you will have a much better experience even with those things that you don’t like or don’t want to do. There are two sides to every story. You can focus on the side where you don’t have it anymore. You don’t wanna think about things ending or you don’t want to look at your dad or whatever it is that you don’t like or you don’t want to do or you can focus on the side where you have enrolled your money. You’re not running out of anybody into the money, not the paycheck to paycheck, even though you’re making really good money, right? You focus on the side where you’re not spending all your money. You’re building wealth, you pay off your debt, right? You’re not worried about what will happen to you finances. Focus on the part where you take control over money and three of your life. There are so many things that you may not like want to do, but not liking something or not wanting to do something isn’t a reason not to do it. So if you are ready and willing to do the work demanding better and achieve your goals, I’m ready I’m going to coach you and help you get there, head to rho And let’s talk about how we can work together alright, that’s it for this week’s episode 20 overall social media rho Thomas on LinkedIn and I am rho Thomas on Instagram. Please follow the show and the rating and review both of which are behind it. And of course they should have a friend or two who you would find helpful. Okay, for as we close out, I pray that you think about all the things you’re avoiding because you’re killing yourself. You don’t want to do them. I pray that you consider whether you willing to do those things anyway and pursue those goals for your life. And as always I pray that you regain control of your time, build wealth, and live the life of freedom and choice you deserve. Talk to you later.


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