My client Toni-Ann Mayembe felt so overwhelmed by her multiple-six-figure student debt and her $20,000+ credit card balances that she simply avoided them altogether.
After struggling for some time and not making any progress, she reached out to me—a decision she says has changed her life forever.
In this episode, Toni-Ann and I chat about our work together, including the biggest thing that helped her pay off all of her credit card debt and one of her student loans in only six months.
Topics Discussed
- the key thing to do when you feel overwhelmed by your goal
- the importance of mindset to making financial progress
- being angry with your coach
- Toni-Ann’s favorite coaching questions
- how Toni-Ann has completely shifted the way she sees herself and her ability to manage her money
- the impact of money coaching on Toni-Ann’s marriage
- what to do when you see someone else having success
- why Toni-Ann decided to work with me
Listen to the Episode
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If you’re ready to learn the mindset and strategies to master your money, let’s schedule a call.
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Lightly Edited Transcript
Hey friend. Welcome back to the show. I hope you’re doing well and having an amazing day so far. So you may have noticed this episode is a little longer than what you’re used to. I have a special treat for you. I’m bringing you a conversation with my client, Dr. Toni-Ann Mayembe. Toni-Ann and I worked together last year and at that time she had me on her podcast real happy mom to share the things she was learning for me with her audience. While she reached back out to me to do an update episode on all she was able to accomplish during our time together, and she has graciously allowed me to share it with you, Tony and paid off all of her credit card debt, which was over $20,000 And she started paying down her multi six figure student loan debt all without sacrificing her quality of life. I am so so proud of the work she’s done and I’m excited to share her story with you. So let’s dive in.
Alright, so we got roe back on the podcast, I’m super excited because I absolutely love and adore you row. And this is like gonna be so much fun because we are like already getting into like some of the updates and things that have happened. And if you’re just tuning in, you’re like, Who’s this row girl light. Let me tell you. So if you go back, go back a little bit to Episode 123. I didn’t episode row and we talked a lot about some of the tips on improving your finances and she helped me out a ton. She was my money coach and helped me to pay off all my credit cards. And row I didn’t tell you this, but I’ll credit cards paid off. Now I’m working on paying off the car. Because when I was funny story, I was like, come on, bro, I need a new car. She’s like, okay, like, what do you want? What are you thinking again, I’m like, I need a car that’s reliable and safe. So I’m getting a 2020 Ford Mustang. She was like, Bert, like what?
It’s like, I needed to be reliable. And I have kids and I was like, no,
no, that car was for me. And let me tell you about like, every day I get in that car. I’m like, I love you. Like I love my life. Okay, so I’m very happy about that purchase. And I do not have a problem paying that car note every month because I love that car. In that episode, we talked about a lot of things wrote has really helped me with some breakthroughs. I really want to bring her back to get an update on not only myself, but also on Rowan, what she’s doing. So well. Welcome back to the podcast. excited to have you.
Yes. Thank you so much for having me. It is such a pleasure to be back with you always fun to chat with you on or off air.
Yes, yes, yes. And I love talking to you. And really, it’s just been like, I just felt like such a weight lifted off me because I was telling him before I hit record that. I remember during our conversations and when we meet when you’re actually coaching me how I got to a point where I was actually getting mad at you and I’m like, Whoa, I can’t do that. Like, this is not like it’s not even possible. Like you’re telling me I can do all these things. And then when you’re like, Tony and like look at the numbers like look, you got this much money left and I’m like, Oh yeah, yeah, you’re right. Like, is it just me? It’s just me? No,
it’s not just you at all. It’s very common. People, you know, get mad. And they get all emotional and all of that, because money is such an emotional topic for so many of us. Don’t take it personally, you know, you can be mad at me if you want to. And then you go and think about it. It’s like, oh, yeah, actually asked me her point. And then you come back, and we can work through it. Right? Yeah. So yeah, I think the numbers don’t lie. And it’s so funny that you said that, because I recently did an episode called the math and the drama. It’s a concept that my coach talks about a lot, where we have the math of things, right, like how this breaks down, you know, how many months or years or whatever, you have to pay for something, and actually how much it costs? And then the drama being like, your thoughts about it? I can’t do this as too much. I can’t, you know, all of that. And so, that happens a lot, because money is this emotional topic for us. So you are not alone in that at all. It happens all the time. And I don’t take it personally.
I’m so glad you don’t because it was a couple sessions. I’m not gonna lie to you. It was like two or three, I was like, I don’t like you.
It’s okay. You don’t have to like me, as long as you’re getting the results that you came for?
Yes. And I did, I absolutely did. So when I worked with RO, we had broke down my goals. And really, I had a ton of credit card debt, because I went through a period where I pretty much was living off my credit card. So I’m gonna just be real with you. And accumulated oh, gosh, it was like 20, almost $30,000 in credit cards. And I just in my mind, I was thinking, I was like, I can’t pay all that off. And then on top of that, I had all these student loans. And I just remember coming to row thinking, like, this number is so big, like, I literally would just like have panic attacks, like just thinking about it, I’m like, I can’t do it, I can’t do it. So what I would do is I would just like ignore it, and pretend like they don’t exist, and my rich uncle is gonna come and give me an inheritance, and it’s all gonna go away, but it never happened. So finally, I get to a point where I was like, I have to deal with this, like I have to, and that is when you and I started working together, and I got some clarity. So, um, I know it was a lot that we went through. But I don’t know if there was anything that stood out to you the most when we were working together, as far as like, breaking down the goals and things like that, that you remember, cuz I have a couple things by just wanting to see if you remembered anything?
Well, the biggest thing, I think you’ve already kind of touched on it. But it was the thoughts that you had about like, Oh, it’s just so much I can’t do this, like, What do you mean, I’m like, Girl, I’m looking at this. And if I divide it out is this much like you can do this? And so you know, you always had that, like, I can do this? Are you crazy, you know, that kind of reaction when we talked about things. But I’m so glad that we were able to kind of strip away all of that might help you work through those limiting beliefs because it was 100% and doable for you. And I knew that you could do it. And you just needed I think someone to believe in you, and to help you build that belief in yourself.
Yes, yes, totally, totally agree with that, because I will tell you this for like, since we’ve, we had all of our sessions, like the I’ve really been reading a lot of books about financial literacy, and, you know, just trying to better myself and like how not only to pay off the debt part because I worked with you on that part. But next step is like investments in the wealth and things like that. And a lot of it all goes back to that mindset. And it’s crazy how you can have everything all together. But if your mindset is off, it can really sabotage like everything. And I know that that was like my biggest thing. And so, in a lot of the books that I’ve been reading, some of the authors will share their stories, and they’ll share like, you know, a lot of their past and how it like comes up for them as an adult. And I think we talked about this to row. And I was telling you how, you know, being a first generation American and seeing my parents struggle, and, you know, just seeing how things weren’t always easy. And then when things did get good. My dad ended up his job ended up downsizing. So then we went right back into like, it not being so good anymore. So even though like, as a professional, I’m making good money, I’m making more than what my parents were making, like, in my mind, I’m still back when I was like nine years old, like my mind is still like, Nope, we don’t got it. I can’t do it can’t do that. But yet homegirl over here is doing DoorDash on top. So, just really quick, just talk to us about this mindset and how important it is to get that under control.
Yeah, I mean, mindset is everything and to your point. You know, the way that you grew up can play out in the way that you manage your finances as an adult. And when you are like especially for Those of us who are maybe the first in our families to be professionals, right to make the kind of money that we make, I see it play out one of two ways. So either it’s, you know, I’ve never had anything, so I’m going to ball out and do all the things, or it’s I’ve never had anything, so I can’t spend anything, I don’t have it, even though I clearly have, you know, this money here. And when we are, you know, having those kinds of thoughts about, like, you know, our money not being enough, or about things, you know, being too expensive, or our debt being too big or whatever, like that mindset will hinder you from actually taking the actions, the steps that you need to take to get the results that you want, make the kind of progress that you want. And so for you, especially, like, you were saying, you make good money, and you’re like, this data is just too much, I don’t know how I’m ever gonna do this. And so then it’s easier to avoid that piece. But then spend on these other things that feel good, right? Going out to eat or things like that. And I think for a lot of us, we avoid our finances because it feels uncomfortable trouble. And because we’ve, you know, been socialized not to talk about it. And so we think, Oh, if I just don’t think about it, then it’ll be fine. It’ll all figure itself out. And that’s not how it works. Like, you’ve got to take that step and look at that, then once you get that under control, you will be able to do the things that you want to do and reach the goals that you have for your money.
Yarrow. So mindset is like something that I didn’t realize was a real issue for me until you started asking me the questions. So I’m glad that you brought all those points up, because I noticed that with another friend of mine, who were both in similar spaces, but I think she’s the opposite of what you’re describing to me. And I just really just was like, laughing. I’m like, Girl, like, you’re good. You got this, but it’s the same thing about myself. Like, I didn’t even believe it in myself that oh, yeah, girl. Yeah, you got this, like, No, I didn’t, I really was feeling pretty defeated. But those questions that you asked me were so so so good. So I don’t know if you remember any other questions, but I remember, one in particular, your ex me, you know, about my childhood and past experiences. And that’s when I started to dig a little bit deeper. Because I learned from listen to I forget who it was. But they were talking about how you can like ask yourself more questions to get, you know, past the surface level, like so when I will say like, oh, no, I can’t ever, like pay all this, this off. And they will say why? And I’ll be like, Oh, cuz it’s just like a huge number. It’s like, too big. And I’m like, and then people say why again, and I’ll be like, because what I say, because I don’t make that much money in. They were XY again. And I will be like, because I’m not making so much is so and so. So like, in my mind, I started to see like, I’m really like focused on other people and other things, and not really myself. And so those were some of the things that kind of helped trigger me to really start looking at my mindset and the things that I was thinking so that I could get back on the right path. But like I said, questions that you asked, you were really, really good at those. I don’t know if you remember any of them, but they were really, really good. That helped me to get past that surface level.
Yeah, I don’t remember specifics from our sessions. But I know like, with you, and the way that you were viewing the money, like it was clear that there was something that maybe you had been taught or you had learned. And so that’s probably why I asked you about like your childhood and like your first experiences with money and things like that. But that question that you asked like, why that is so good, because a lot of times we just say things and it’s like the brain’s first reaction, that automatic reaction, and we don’t really know why and don’t question it. And so when you ask why, or another one that I asked a lot is like, is that true? You know, people will say things like, it’s just so matter of fact, it’s like, is that true? And then when they think about it, like oh, maybe not actually. Oh, yeah. So yeah. So all of the the questions are really about helping you to examine your thoughts, because most of the time we are, you know, we’re just saying things, we’re just thinking and not really questioning those thoughts. And often we are operating from a set of beliefs that aren’t true, right? And so when you can question it, and start to chip away at it, then you can change it and start to change the way that you manage your money.
guess is that true came up a lot when we talked, especially when we talked about the car. Yes. I remember thinking that I was I don’t remember how it came up. But I was like, oh, no, I don’t know if I really deserve it or something about me not deserving it and you’re like, is that true? And I was like, Well, I heard someone say, you know that you shouldn’t it’s not what you deserve. It’s what you earned kind of thing you’re like But is that true? And I was like, No, it’s not me, I do deserve this. I deserve nice things. So that one was a big one too, because I really can talk myself almost all the things that we had going on. So yes, is that true is one of my favorite questions that she asked?
Yeah, I think a lot of times, like we will especially like, when you are a mom, right? Because I know that your listeners are moms, like we will almost put ourselves on the back burner for everybody else. And so that is something to think about as well. Like, if you are always buying everything for everybody else, or a lot of us it’s time, right? Spending time doing all the things for everybody else and never making time for ourselves. It’s like, just question that, like, oh, I have to do this because my kids need it. Well, is that true? Do they really are? Can they do that by themselves? And you can take that time and use it for yourself? Right?
Yes, yes, that one, that one is huge. And the other big thing that I wanted to point out that I remember to before I lose it, because this one was a good one was when you were helping me with getting on board with my husband on some of our goals that we had. And when I sat down with him, because he like told me to act like you know, like, what are some things that he wants to do? What are some of the things that was most valuable to him, like in life and the things that we do as a family, and I was like, shocked, oh, like, bro, like, you don’t care about all this stuff. Like you really just want to, you know, do this. And so that was another big thing. And I really sit down and axing the questions and really hearing the responses so that we could get on the same page. But the other thing too, wrote not only getting on the same page for him, but also being confident myself knowing that I can make good decisions. And him seeing that I make good decisions what many because I remember one day when a paid off, some paid off something in Oh is one of because I had consolidated one of the credit cards, because the interest rate was lower. Another tip that I learned from rote and make sure your interest rates are nice. So I had got this really great deal from my bank. So I switched over or transferred the balance from one credit card over to a personal loan so that I could get a better interest rate and then not pay so much in interest. Anyways, got a card that said, Congratulations, your loan is now paid off. And my husband saw and he was like, What’s this? And I’m like, oh, yeah, I was just like, paid off some stuff. And he was like, oh, and I could just see him be like, okay, like, you got it. And then yeah, another letter come in when I’m because I think I was telling you like, I didn’t want to look at my, my, my student loan balances because I was like, Oh, my God is just too much row. And then when I looked, it was like one that was like, super low, like, I could pay it off in like a month. So I paid it off. And I got another letter that was like, congratulations, you paid off your loan. And then again, and he was like, Okay, so like now he like don’t ask me no questions, bro. Like, no. And he’s like, she got it. She’s doing her thing, which is great that he has all this confidence in me and I have confidence in myself. But then sometimes, like, you know, I get crazy with Amazon during Black Friday and lightning bills. So I have to remind myself, like you’re good with money, you’re not gonna do all these little things and just, you know, throw it, throw it all away after you spend all this time at row. But I think that was another big one is having confidence in myself. And then my husband seeing you know that I can I got it. And I’m handling very well.
Yeah, I mean, even the way that you said like, I’m good with money, right? Because so often, we don’t believe that we tell ourselves the exact opposite. We tell ourselves that, oh, I’m bad with money, or I don’t know how to do this, right? But no, I’m good with money. Where if you can’t get there, right? Like, if you’re listening, you’re like, but I’m not good with money where you really don’t know. I’m learning to be good with money, right? You’re listening to this. You can read books, you can listen to other podcasts that talk about finances, all of that, and you can learn. And when you believe I’m learning to be good with money, or I’m good with money, then you’re going to have a completely different emotional reaction to that. And it’s going to fuel different steps than if you’re telling yourself I suck at this. I’m never going to get this I’m never gonna be able to pay it off and you’re feeling all defeated and hopeless. And then you’re like, Oh, let me just go watch Netflix. And I’m not going to look at finances right? So I love that. And then your confidence is like radiating. And your husband is like, Oh, well look at here, right? Like you’re doing all these things. You’re taking all these steps and he’s like, okay, yeah, she’s got it.
Yes, yes. And now he like goes to me and asks me questions. I’m like, like, I’m not a financial expert. Now. I just
You are you are the expert of your finances now.
Yes, yes, but it definitely has shifted things a lot, because one book that I will go ahead and talk about that I read is the millionaires by Jill tinker. And she shares her story about how she pretty much didn’t want for anything. She had everything she wanted anymore. And then she went from that to her parents losing everything. And I remember specifically in that book, like when it really hit me when she was like, she asked her mom like, Well, what happened? Like, where did all the money go? Like, what do we have savings? Do we have something? And the mom was like, well, your dad thought and your dad said, and everything was the dead? Like, her mother didn’t have the competence in herself and making those decisions. And I was like, no, no, no, that is not going to be me, because I saw how that could happen. And I think is a lot of times as moms and as women, like we really kind of play ourselves down thinking like, oh, no, I’ll just depend on my husband to do it. Like he’s smarter, he can handle it better, like trust me, like, we we, as women, we have this, I believe that we can see and we know things that I just can’t even explain way better than men do. So I’ve definitely been making sure that that doesn’t happen, where I’m just solely dependent on my husband, God, I love him. But I don’t want to be solely dependent on his decision making on our finances as a whole.
Yeah, and I think a lot of that, again, goes back to our society and the way that those of us socialized as women are taught and that even implicit messages that we receive, like I was having a conversation with somebody recently about the way there was some study or something that talked about the way the media talks to men, about money versus women about money. And for men, it’s about, you know, taking risks and how to build wealth and all of that. And then the messages that are directed at women are about clipping coupons and saving and, you know, getting deals and things like that, where it’s, it’s all about, like, oh, you spend too much like you should do these things that you can do to save. And for men, it’s about oh, here’s how you grow your money and all of that. So, like you get it or we all get it from all sides. Probably from the time that we were born right and and especially if you’ve got parents who have bought into those messages, like the woman you know, in this book was talking about her mom, like it happened and so being able to be intentional and take those steps to step outside of that and say no, I don’t want that to be me. I’m going to educate myself is huge.
Yes, yes. And now my husband is like completely annoyed because every day I come home be like, Hey, we’re gonna do cryptocurrency pay, we’re gonna invest in the Orwell like, like, I’m always coming from with new things that we’re gonna do. He’s like, Lady Calm down, like just pick one thing, like you’re doing too much, but really excited for me because like, I I’ve gotten him like super pumped because he’s really been wanting to get into real estate and another thing mindset, I watched my parents deal with real estate and oh my gosh, like I’m traumatized by some of the things that they went to went through. Because it was those tenants that they had were just absolutely terrible and just disgusting. And so I was like, I want to never do real estate and now I’m about to get into it. Because my husband is like all about it. So I just think is funny how like, I’ve been like getting him super pumped. But what I really pumped and I really want to talk about here is you and your progress because things have changed since the last time we talked on the podcast and being that the status with where you’re working now, so I want to share a little bit about that.
Yeah, so last time I was on the show I was still practicing law. I am an attorney I practiced for seven years but as of September I am no longer practicing and I’m coaching full time which has been really fun.
Yes, and I was like so happy when I saw row finally be like yep, today’s my last day oh my god. I’m like super super pumped because another post that you did row and I want to talk about this because of course be I’m over here celebrating what row and like super excited. And of course you know, there’s always gonna be for haitus like wherever you go. And I remember you have pointed out that you know, some people were like, Oh, well she can do that because her husband you know is you know, has money and can take care of things like Oh, I could never do that you know she can do it because XYZ like kind of downplaying the success in the the huge moment you had and I’ll be honest with like, when I heard about it row, I was mad. I was like, What am girls at? Let me get a row because I was like, Don’t become an arrow first of all, and then second of all I’m like, please just celebrate with someone like just be happy for someone but then I realized though, like a lot of what those comments were coming from were from their own insecurities. So I went you
exactly that. Yeah, no, exactly. And that’s why I didn’t take offense. And that’s why I made, I think you’re talking about the video that I made about using other people’s success against yourself. Yeah, I know that it’s coming from their own limiting beliefs, believing that they can’t do it believing that the only way that you can do it is if you know you’re married, or if your spouse makes money, or whatever the case may be. And when you’re thinking that way, and looking at what someone else has done, as you know, something impossible for you, then you’re never going to even try versus okay, this person has done this thing. It’s possible. Now, let me see how I can do that. And when you ask yourself questions, like how or why, like we talked about earlier, you get like you open your brain up right to Okay, let me get into problem solving mode here. How can this be possible for me as well? And that’s so much more useful than looking and saying, Oh, well, that’s not possible for me because of insert whatever reason here?
Yes, row in in the other thing that that you share that I wanted, you kind of like, kind of skip over this part where you’re talking about, oh, yeah, I went from full time load while to pack or doing coaching full time. And I’m like, Yeah, but you’ve got to mention how you paid off all of this debt, too, because that was like the inspiration and like, you skipped over that.
You didn’t ask me that part out the transition.
Question? Well, yeah, you did. But part of that too, because and the reason why you’re able to transition into coaching to was because you’re able to not have all these, you know, student loans and things like that, because all that stuff down.
Yes, exactly. So you know, for those who maybe didn’t hear the initial episode actually don’t know how much we went into my story the first time. But about five years ago, now, we had our first son and looked and realized that we had $670,000 of debt, I was looking at, like, Oh, could I do some sort of part time scheduled be with the baby. And it was like, Oh, actually, banking account says no. And so when I’m back to work, but my husband and I went to work on figuring out how to pay off debt, because that was really the reason that we weren’t going to be able to live our lives the way that we want it to. And so, you know, when we looked at that, we decided that we were going to work on paying off the debt, we ended up paying off all but our mortgage. So the debt consisted of about 200,000 or so on a mortgage, like 10,000 on a car loan, and then the rest was student loans. And when we were looking at, okay, how do you pay off debt, right? And we found all of these people who were like retiring early, and, you know, paying off their houses in five years, and all of that. So like, going back to, you know, the post that you talked about that video that I made, like if we had looked at those people and said like, oh, yeah, well, it’s easy for you to do that. Because blah, blah, blah, we would have never even tried, but we were like, Okay, well, if they can do it, then we can do it too, right, it’s clearly possible. And so we just went to work on doing it chipping away at the loans, you know, over the last five years, the last one being like a $350,000 loan, which was my husband’s loan for medical school. And you know, we finished paying it in August. And so like you said, Tony, and I was able to make that transition to coaching full time, because our expenses were decreased. So much like the minimum payment on that loan was like $3,500. So like, that’s $3,500 that we no longer need right on top of the extra money that we were already putting on the loans. So being able to pay everything off has given us so much flexibility. And it’s exactly what we were working toward all this time. Granted, we didn’t know that it would be a pandemic, and you know, that I would want to drop down to 50% at work and then leave ultimately, but we wanted to have that flexibility to be able to make decisions for our family without money being the major consideration.
Yes, yes. And embro honestly, that was your story is the reason one of the main reasons why I was like, I got to work with her because she paid off all of this, like she has to show me what she did. So your story is definitely very similar to mine. And so I was like, well, she can do it. I can and so I saw myself in you. It was like I gotta get with this lady because she’s got what I need. So I’m so glad that you pointed that out because that is like a huge, big accomplishment. And again, I’m over here celebrating with you and super excited for you. Because I know thank you. Well, bro because you did I know I’m gonna be there with you too. So that’s why I like jazz. Come on, bro.
Exactly. It’s only a matter of time. Like you’ve got everything You need to do it. It’s just a matter of executing.
Yes, definitely. And I, I’m really, really surprised like how much I was able to accomplish in that short amount of time with working with you. But how much really like you just shined a light on a lot of things that I really either wasn’t paying attention to or didn’t even know was there. So, row. Thank you. Thank you so much. I know I haven’t said thank you enough. But thank you so much for all of what you did for me, because yeah, you help the girl out a lot to know.
Absolutely. You’re so welcome.
Thank you, thank you. But row, I don’t know if there’s anything else that you wanted to hit on. Because I know we kind of covered a lot and went over a lot of different things. But I’m gonna switch it over to you and see if there’s anything else you want to touch on.
I’d like to just underscore the importance of the mindset piece, because it really all starts with your thoughts and believing that it’s even possible for you to pay off your debt, or save or whatever the monetary goal is that you have, like changing the way that you think about it from like, Oh, I’ll never be able to do this or it’s too much or whatever, to something that opens you up to possibility like, how could I do this and start thinking that way, once you are able to change your mindset, then everything else starts to fall in line.
And I could not agree more with Euro. So yes, definitely, if you’re in a situation where you’re like, either I have all this debt, or I have these financial goals, I just don’t even know how to get there, you definitely want to sync up with someone. And that’s one thing I’m a true believer in is like not doing things on your own. Like it’s so much easier and so much faster when you do it with someone and row is someone you want to do this with when it comes to your finances and your financial goals. So definitely reach out to her. She is amazing. And I recommend her to everyone. So definitely, definitely utilize her and walk with her so that you can get to your goals a lot faster, because I know had row and I not work together, when I probably still would have those credit card debt like it’ll still be there in two. It would I wouldn’t even be close to even put a link into my student loan debt too. So definitely, definitely reach out to row or someone who can walk with you to help you get to your calls because it’s so much easier, faster when you do it with someone else.
I completely agree. I think having you know an objective third party to help you see kind of limiting beliefs and see pitfalls, how to avoid maybe some of the mistakes that they’ve made. All of that is super helpful. I use coaches in my own life. And I’ve always found them super helpful and some of those same emotions that you said, you know, come up for you when you were working for me or working with me. I’ve had the exact same thing with my coaches so I completely understand.
Yes, well thank you I feel better because I was like almost I felt guilty afterwards. I was like why you came back lady like she’s trying to help you feel better? Thank you. You’re the row if there is someone listening that is like I want to meet this right I want to learn more about her I want to work with her whatever the case it’s where can we find you online so we can get more information about you and start working with you.
Yeah, you can find me at my website rho That’s R H O. Thomas com. I’m also on Instagram at I am rho Thomas on LinkedIn. And I have a podcast called wealthiest, which you can find a link to on my website.
Yes, and I will make sure to include all of those links in the show notes. So definitely make sure you go and grab those there and bro, thank you. Thank you again for coming on and sharing all this with us. And just talking to me again because I missed a girl so thank you.
Absolutely. It’s been such a pleasure. Thank you for having me back.
Alright, I hope you enjoyed that conversation with toniann. If you’re ready to have the transformation she did and make the kind of progress she made with your finances, head over to rho schedule your consultation and let’s talk about how we can work together. And if you’re a mom, definitely check out Tony Ann’s podcast real happy mom. She is so fun and relatable as you could see, and she shares super helpful tips and strategies for navigating all areas of mom life. Come connect with me over on social media. I’m most often on Instagram at I am rho Thomas and LinkedIn. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the show and leave a review, both of which help more people find it. And please share this episode with a friend or two who would find it helpful. As we close out friend I pray that you make this the year that you take control of your finances. I pray that you overcome any mindset blocks and other obstacles standing in the way of your goals. And as always, I pray that you continue to take steps to regain control of your time, build wealth and live the life of freedom and choice you deserve. Talk to you later.

Hi, I’m Rho! I’m a wife, mom, and Biglaw associate who believes that true wealth is having control of your time. I help busy lawyers like you take back control of your time by teaching you how to achieve lifestyle freedom through mindset shifts and financial independence. Read a little more about me here.