We put so much focus on the numbers of money that we sometimes forget about the importance of the way we feel about money.

Having negative feelings about your finances drains your energy and impacts your day-to-day experience of life.

The value of feeling better about your money can’t be overstated.

In this episode, let’s talk about one of my clients’ experiences with feeling better about her money and why feeling better about your money is so important.

Topics Discussed

    • one client’s experience with feeling better about her money
    • achieving amazing money goals and feeling better about your money
    • how your feelings about money can impact other areas of your life
    • getting to the point that you don’t think about money much anymore

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Resources mentioned

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If you’re ready to learn the mindset and strategies to master your money, let’s schedule a call.

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You’re listening to Wealthyesque. We are a community of lawyers who believe that true wealth is having control of our time. I’m Rho Thomas, and as a busy wife, mom and former Biglaw associate, I know all too well the tension between the culture of the legal profession and pretty much everything else you want to do in life. That’s why each week, I’m bringing you the information and tools you need to improve your money mindset and manage your money to create true wealth. Because ultimately, it’s not about the money. It’s about the freedom and flexibility the money affords.

Hey friend. Welcome back to the show. I hope you’re doing well and having an amazing day so far. Today we are talking about feeling better about your money. So often we get caught up in the numbers right how much I want to save. How much do I want to pay off how much my net worth is how much I make all of these numbers and we sometimes forget about or neglect the way that we feel about money. The way you feel about your money is so much more important than the actual numbers themselves. I was having a conversation with one of my clients actually for the podcast so you will get a chance to hear this conversation. By the time this episode comes out you will have heard it but when she came to me she actually had quite a bit of money already. She had done a phenomenal job of saving, but the saving came from this scarcity that she was feeling around money and thinking that always needed to be more her original savings goals X and veggie reached X. It’s like oh, now it needs to be 2x and she was about to hit 2x When we start working together and I could see that once you get to actually just gonna start looking ahead to 3x so I questioned her and asked her like, what is this money for? Why do you want this amount of money? And in our work together, it was very clear that she felt like the money would be what made her feel secure. Right? It would be what made her feel better, feel safer. And really because of the way she was thinking about the money. Even as you say more, she was feeling terrible about money. A lot of our work together was unwinding her thoughts about money being the thing that makes her feel better, that makes her feel secure, safe. And so now she’s able to approach her money from a much calmer place and not from this place of scarcity and never enough anymore. And she said in our conversation and that she has listened to things that she did when we started working together because she decided that she didn’t need as much as she had. So she use some of that money for other things. And even with having less than savings. She feels better about money overall, which she never thought would have been the case. I think that is even bigger than the numbers he’s you’ve heard some of my clients when you’re talking about saving 20 or $30,000 or paying off 20 or $30,000 or getting out a credit card debt or learning how to stop overspending and don’t get me wrong, those stories are amazing, right? They made those guys move into finances in just six months. So just imagine they’re gonna be years from now. But beyond that are beyond those numbers. The part we don’t talk about as often that I think is even bigger is how you’re feeling now about the money. So yes, they are paying off to the 1000s of dollars receiving emergency fund for the first time or controlling their spending or stopping this credit card cycle with overspending on a credit card and going deeper in debt, but also feeling more abundant with their money and feeling like money doesn’t have this hold on them feeling like they have everything they need. feeling calm, feeling competent. All of that is so much bigger than the amount that you’re able to save or pay off. You’re gonna do that too, right? You’re gonna save money, you’re gonna pay off debt, you’re gonna make progress in those ways. But we can just feel better about money. When you’re not feeling anxious waiting for that paycheck. When you’re not stressed out about your money. We’re not worried about if your car’s gonna get declined on the next purchase, where you’re not worried about what we’re getting your bank account, you’re not feeling uncertain about if you’re doing the right things with your money. All of that is invaluable. It’s priceless to be able to look at your finances and feel good about them. Because the way we feel is so huge. It’s such a big part of our lives, and it impacts so many other areas that why I think this work is so important. Lawyers are already dealing with a whole lot of stuff. So you’ve got your responsibilities at work and pressures there and the deadlines and client or partner demands and all of that. But then on top of that at home, you’ve got your role as partner or spouse or significant other as a parent, as a child, as a sibling, as a friend, right? All of these different roles that you have and when you’re going through life. feeling stressed, feeling bad, feeling anxious, feeling scarce, feeling uncertain, worry overall negative about money, I can’t tell you that doesn’t spill over into and affect other areas of your life. I know it does. It’s completely an experience when you know exactly what you’re done with your money and you feel comforted by your finances, and you’re able to approach your finances from a much more grounded place. Right? You’re not driven by fear and stress and anxiety. For my clients and for me personally, money is just not a major factor anymore. We don’t think about money too much to beyond our check ins. It’s a tool but it’s not the end all be all and it’s not invading our thoughts from day to day right having been on the other side or I was feeling suffocated by money or really by our lack of money. Let me tell you not think about money at all. It’s a really good place to be. So consider this my plug for valuing feeling better about your money above the tangible money results that you’ll inevitably achieve, right, we’ve done a conversation about the emotions that maybe we’ll have a remedy for and how those emotions impact the way that you manage your money. But the value of feeling better about your finances truly cannot be overstated. The stress and the pressure and anxiety and the fear and the uncertainty and all those other really heavy negative emotions that you might have about money, I feel terrible. We’re not a great place to make money decisions. So we’re able to ground yourself and thinking about your money differently and knowing that you’re in control of it, and that you’re able to do the things that you want and you don’t have stress and you don’t have anxiety and feel competent. All of that impacts not only your experience of your finances, but the other areas of your life too. So if the experience you’re having with your money sucks and you’re ready to feel better about your finances and about money in general, let’s talk about how we can work together. Just head to rho thomas.com/waitlist to get started on your road to feeling better about your money. All right, so that’s it for this week’s episode. Come connect with me over on social media. You can find me on LinkedIn, rho, Thomas and Instagram I am rho Thomas. Subscribe to the show and leave a review both of which help people to find it and please think of a friend who you think could use the information and share the episode with them. As we close out friend. I pray that you take the information you’ve learned here apply it in your life and open up to the realization that wealth is available to you. As you do that consistently. Week after week. You’ll continue to take steps to regain control of your time, build wealth, and live the life of freedom and choice, you deserve. Talk to you later.