226 | Should I Stop Using Credit Cards?

Managing your money well doesn’t mean never using credit cards. There are actually some pretty good reasons to use credit cards over cash. It’s all in HOW you use them. In this episode, let’s talk about the trap of using your credit cards incorrectly...

225 | What You Want Now vs. What You Want Most

One of the biggest reasons that many lawyers never achieve their financial goals is they get caught up in the things they want in the present. But by focusing on the things they want now, they ultimately sacrifice the things they want most. In this episode,...

224 | When Having Money Feels Uncomfortable

You might think that having more money would make everything better. But what I have found is often lawyers don’t know how to handle having more money at first. It feels uncomfortable, and they find ways to get rid of it and sabotage their progress. In this episode,...

222 | Managing Money as a Couple When One Partner Makes More

It can be hard to navigate a situation where one person makes more money in the relationship. And it’s a pretty common situation for lawyers. The trick when you’re managing your finances with a partner, especially in this situation, is to manage them in a way that...

221 | Should I Pay Off Debt or Invest?

Is it better to focus on paying off debt or investing? Are there times when it doesn’t make sense to pay down your debt quickly? Can investing hurt your finances? In this episode, we talk about how to determine whether you should pay off your debt or invest,...