070 | Your Money Is Not Happening to You

Often when I talk to lawyers about their finances, they describe them as if their finances are happening to them, and they don’t even realize it. They talk about their money as if they have no control, but when you do that, you’re setting yourself up to...

069 | Celebrating Your Achievements

In a society that’s always looking for the next best thing—doing more, bigger, better—we often don’t take the time to acknowledge our achievements. We accomplish something, and then we’re immediately looking to the next thing because this thing that...

068 | Being Broke Making Six Figures

Many high-income earners, including many lawyers, don’t have anything to show for the money they’ve made. It’s such a common situation in the legal profession and beyond that there’s a special acronym for people who fit this description: HENRY....

067 | Why It’s Important to Enjoy Your Money, Too

Much of mainstream personal finance advice tells you to scrimp and save and hoard your money, so you can possibly have the privilege of enjoying it in 30-40 years. That’s not sustainable. Instead, I believe in spending on things you enjoy while you work toward...

066 | When You Think You Can’t Do It

“I can’t do it.” It’s such a common thought for many people, especially when learning to manage money for the first time or trying to create and stick to a budget for the tenth time. In this episode, we discuss why “I can’t do...

065 | The Danger of Comfort

Many people fail to hit their money goals because they default to their normal money habits, which feel comfortable. But achieving your money goals often involves behaviors and habits that are different from the ones you’re used to, which means there’s...