082 | Income vs. Wealth

It’s easy to conflate having a six-figure income with being wealthy. But they’re not the same. In fact, your income doesn’t have as much bearing on your ability to build wealth as you might think. In this episode, we’re talking about the...

081 | Minding Your Business and Your Money

Many of us spend a lot of time trying to manage what other people think about us. I see this come up for a lot of lawyers, and it bleeds into the way they manage their money. But what other people think is really none of your business. You can’t control it, no...

080 | The Power of Evaluating Your Efforts

Often we set goals and don’t ever look at them again or determine whether our efforts are working or not. We just keep doing the same things over and over again and staying in the same place year after year. Enter evaluations. Evaluations allow you to see...

079 | “It’s Not Enough”

I hear it all the time. Lawyers tell me that something they’re doing or something they have is not enough. It comes up especially in the context of money, where income, bonuses, savings, etc. can all seem insufficient. But the problem is when you’re...

078 | The Math and the Drama

Money can be an emotional topic for many people. This can sometimes make it difficult to access the logical side of your brain to make strategic decisions. The good thing is it’s easy to objectively measure specific monetary goals, which helps to take some of the...

077 | When the Willpower Runs Out

The lawyers I talk to tend to think if they had more willpower, they’d be able to stick to their money plans and achieve their goals. It’s a common misconception. It doesn’t work and leads to you feeling exhausted and inevitably beating yourself up for failing yet...