by Rho | Aug 12, 2022 | Podcast
We make a lot of financial decisions on autopilot, and sometimes those decisions have a negative impact on other things we want to do financially. In each of those situations, whether we recognize it or not, we have a choice to stay on track with our goals or to go in...
by Rho | Aug 5, 2022 | Podcast
We have a tendency to put things off that could easily be done now. We tell ourselves stories about how long the thing will take, how hard it will be, or how we just don’t have time. But ultimately, none of it is true, and it’s just a block to achieving...
by Rho | Jul 29, 2022 | Podcast
So many lawyers get into a start and stop cycle with their finances. They’ll be making some progress, but then they fall off track and give up. Then, at some point down the line, they get back on track but ultimately repeat the cycle over again. This cycle is...
by Rho | Jul 22, 2022 | Podcast
We often only think about the immediate costs associated with our financial decisions. But the decisions we make go far beyond the specific dollar amount associated with them today. Those decisions have opportunity costs and compound effects over time. In this...
by Rho | Jul 15, 2022 | Podcast
My client Kenny found himself making good money but consistently owing more on his Amex than the amount of his paycheck. He decided he wanted to make a change and reached out for help. During our time working together, Kenny got out of that debt cycle, started...
by Rho | Jul 8, 2022 | Podcast
Lawyers are used to doing all the things and keeping track of it all in 6-minute increments. But achieving your financial goals is about more than just action. It’s about becoming the person you need to become to achieve those goals. It requires decoupling your...