143 | The Checking Account Buffer

Waiting for your next paycheck to hit or feeling like you’re living on the edge financially doesn’t have to be the norm. One of the strategies I teach all of my clients—the checking account buffer—puts an end to all of that. In this episode, let’s talk about what the...

142 | What to Do When You Overspend

Let’s talk about a common problem for lawyers and non-lawyers alike: overspending. The default for many people is to beat themselves up when they overspend and make it mean all kinds of negative things about themselves and their ability to manage their money....

141 | Your Money Self-Concept

With personal finance, people typically think about the strategies and what to do. But the way you see yourself has a huge impact on your ability to manage your money and achieve your financial goals. When you believe you’re bad with money and don’t feel...

140 | Money Check-Ins

One of my favorite money strategies is the money check-in. This is one of the biggest factors in my clients achieving the goals they set for themselves so quickly. It’s a simple strategy that will keep you on track with your planned spending throughout the...

139 | “I Can’t Manage My Money Better Because…”

Whenever you want to do something new, like managing your money better, your brain will present all the reasons why you can’t. But just as there may be reasons why you can’t do the new thing, there are also plenty of reasons why you can. In this episode,...