“Wealth is not about having a lot of money. It’s about having a lot of options.” – Chris Rock

I’m a former Biglaw associate who knows what it’s like to make a lot of money and still feel broke.
I also know what it’s like to want to make a change in your life and feel constrained by your financial situation.
My mission is to help you master your money so you can create freedom and choice in your life.
Time is our most limited resource. Money is a tool you can use to literally buy back your time.
I can show you how.
I’ll teach you how to manage your mindset and money to improve your finances and start building wealth. Let’s talk about how we can work together.
My Story
At the end of 2016, I was preparing to head back to work after having my first child and couldn’t imagine going back to the Biglaw schedule I had been keeping up as a junior associate.
My firm offered a reduced hours policy—an option for associates to bill a percentage of the annual required hours for the same percentage of their salary—and I was considering taking advantage of it.
The problem was, when my husband and I looked at our finances, we were over $670,000 in debt with a negative $342,000 net worth. Almost $500,000 of it was student loans.
Add on the interest my husband’s loans accrued while he was in residency and the loan we took out to upgrade from a coupe to an SUV when our second child was born, and our total debt was around $725,000.
We couldn’t afford to make the changes I was envisioning. We needed the money, but I realized my work schedule wouldn’t allow me to be as present as I wanted to be with my kids.
I consumed everything I could about personal finance and getting out of debt—books, blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos. We used that research to make a plan to turn our finances around and went to work executing it.
As of August 2021, we have paid off all of our debt but our mortgage and built our net worth to over half a million dollars.
The work we did on our finances allowed me to drop down to 50% at work during the pandemic (I got to take advantage of the reduced hours policy after all!) and ultimately leave the law to coach lawyers on their money full-time.
The biggest thing I’ve learned is that money is a tool that we can use to buy back our time. We can design the lives we want to live when we use that tool correctly.
Time is the only resource we can’t get back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
I teach lawyers just like you all the things we learned so they can improve their own finances and unlock the power that comes with having complete control of your money.
Ready to figure this money thing out once and for all?